Hygiene Facts
In the media these days we are swamped with stories and information about the hazardous germs that threaten our everyday health. We’re seam to be exposed to millions of microscopic
It takes an expert to identify, isolate and eliminate your greatest sources of contamination. The team at Impact Hygiene are trained to identify these problems and work to make your facility as clean, safe and hygienic as possible.
Antibiotic – Resistant Staph Infections
A dangerous and common problem known as MRSA (pronounced “mersa”), short for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is a type of staph infection that is becoming frighteningly common because it has developed a resistance to a variety of antibiotic treatments.
Staph is one of the most widespread forms of bacteria that humans encounter. Approximately 25% to 30% of the population harbour staph germs on their skin or in their noses without experiencing any negative effects. However, in some cases, staph can cause illness, ranging from minor skin infections to blood-bore disease and pneumonia. ts.
Typically, these infections are treated with antibiotics, but in the case of MRSA, many of the more common forms of anti-microbial treatments are either ineffective or of limited utility.
Growing Incidence
Staph-related illnesses are most frequently seen in hospitals among populations with weakened immune systems, but new data suggest that as much as 12% of all reported new cases of MRSA are acquired outside of the hospital setting. These cases of what is called “community-associated MRSA,” or CR-MRSA, should be of particular concern to individuals who work in or frequent certain settings where instances of infection seem to be more likely.
Symptoms And Treatment
MRSA infections tend to manifest themselves as skin infections that resemble pimples or boils. Redness, swelling, pain or drainage are all signs that MRSA may be at work, and individuals with these symptoms should seek out medical assistance. More serious cases are marked by pneumonia, infections of the bloodstream or surgical wound infections.
Despite multiple antibiotic resistance, MRSA-related illnesses are generally curable. Many skin infections, for example, can be treated simply by draining the infection without introducing any antibiotic treatment. In other cases, different families of antibiotics may be used to attack the infection. However, some cases of rapid acceleration of the disease have been reported, so to ensure the greatest opportunity for successful treatment, those who suspect MRSA infection should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Of course, the best defense against MRSA is to prevent infection in the first place. Individuals should always practice good personal hygiene, including frequent hand washing with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub. Any open wounds, cuts or abrasions should be covered with a clean, sterile bandage. Personal items such as towels and razors should never be shared. And common equipment such as fitness machines should always be carefully wiped down after use.
Those who manage or administer public facilities should ensure that the materials to promote these safe practices are also readily available, including an adequate supply of soap, towels and related hygienic supplies.
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Melbourne Hygiene Services
With over 19 years experience in corporate washroom hygiene services and a dedicated friendly team, at Impact Hygiene, we deliver exactly what you need! We’re flexible and family owned, we can tailor a program to suit your needs.
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