Retail Hygiene Protecting Customers and Staff During the Winter Season

Retail Hygiene: Protecting Customers and Staff During the Winter Season

Fun Fact:

Did you know that shoppers will highly likely switch to a competitor if they feel a store’s hygiene is lacking?

Many believe customers only began caring about retail store cleanliness after the COVID-19 pandemic, but the truth is they have always valued it. According to a shopper’s behaviour study from Service Channel, 69% of shoppers said a negative cleanliness experience led them to shop at a competitor’s store instead.

This concern for cleanliness becomes even more critical during the winter months, when flu season peaks in many regions, including Australia. As winter continues, maintaining hygiene in retail spaces becomes increasingly critical. The combination of colder weather, enclosed environments, and higher foot traffic creates a perfect storm for the spread of illnesses. 

Retail stores, bustling with holiday shoppers, become hotspots for germs and viruses.

This season demands a structured hygiene approach to ensure the safety and well-being of both customers and staff. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of retail hygiene during the winter season and provide a comprehensive checklist to help you keep your premises safe and clean, for better customer experience.

Understanding the Importance of Retail Hygiene During Winter

Winter presents unique challenges for maintaining retail hygiene. The colder weather drives people indoors, leading to higher customer volumes in retail spaces. Enclosed environments with limited ventilation contribute to the spread of airborne illnesses such as the flu and common cold. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the flu can spread rapidly in crowded spaces, with each infected person potentially spreading the virus to two others.

Other common winter illnesses include:

  • Influenza 

  • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

  • Norovirus 

These are highly contagious and can easily be transmitted through contact with contaminated surfaces or close proximity to infected individuals. As further explained by the CDC, a person might get the flu and other diseases by touching a surface or object that has the flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. 

In retail stores, where high-touch surfaces like door handles, payment terminals, and shopping carts are constantly used, this creates a significant risk for both customers and employees. The study by JW Arbogast, et. al (2016), revealed that there is a significant increase in sick leaves and absence of employees due to illness for those in open versus private offices. The frequent contact with contaminated surfaces makes them particularly vulnerable to catching and spreading illnesses

Poor hygiene in retail businesses can have a significant negative impact, both financially and reputationally. A 2019 report by ServiceChannel states 64% of shoppers surveyed said they had walked out of a store due to poor physical appearance and disorganisation. The same report also reveals that more than 60% of shoppers said a negative customer experience such as cleanliness issues led them to shop at a competitor’s store instead.

These figures prove the importance of maintaining high hygiene standards to protect both business reputation and customer health.

Challenges of Maintaining Retail Hygiene During Winter

Sick and tired bearded office worker has suffering expression, has running nose, sneezing, coughing, because of flu, surrounded by pills and drugs, tries to concentrate and finish work quicker
  • High-Touch Surfaces

Retail environments are filled with high-touch surfaces that can become breeding grounds for germs. Door handles, payment terminals, shopping carts, and counters are frequently touched by numerous individuals throughout the day. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, viruses like the flu can survive on surfaces for 24-48 hours, making regular disinfection important.

  • Increased Customer Flow

The holiday season including school breaks bring a surge in customer traffic, making it challenging to maintain cleanliness. With more visitors, high-touch surfaces get contaminated more quickly, requiring more frequent cleaning. Additionally, crowded aisles and checkout lines increase the likelihood of close contact, further raising the risk of illness transmission.

  • Seasonal Illnesses

Winter also brings an uptick in seasonal illnesses. The flu and colds can spread rapidly in crowded retail spaces, affecting both customers and staff. The WHO reports that influenza causes a billion illnesses annually worldwide, with 273 deaths in Australia. Infected employees can lead to staff shortages, impacting store operations and customer service.

Comprehensive Hygiene Checklist for Retail Stores

Implementing a comprehensive hygiene checklist is crucial for retail stores to ensure a clean and safe environment for both customers and staff. Studies have shown that regular cleaning and disinfecting can kill enough germs to reduce the risk of becoming ill from contact with the dirty surface.


According to the American Journal of Infection Control, high-touch surfaces such as door handles, payment terminals, and shopping carts should be disinfected multiple times a day to minimise the risk of illness transmission. Below are examples of structured cleaning checklists, for retail stores significantly reducing the spread of illnesses and enhancing customer satisfaction:

  • Disinfect High-Touch Surfaces – Clean door handles, shopping carts, payment terminals, and counters multiple times a day.

  • Sanitise Restrooms – Ensure restrooms are cleaned and sanitised frequently to prevent the spread of germs. Partner with a professional restroom cleaning service to establish a comprehensive disinfection routine using specialised disinfectants proven effective against influenza and other viruses.

  • Wipe Down Counters and Service Desks – Regularly clean service areas to maintain a hygienic environment.

  • Hand Sanitiser Stations – Ensure hand sanitizer stations are filled and accessible to both customers and staff.

  • Deep Clean Floors and Carpets – Remove dirt and germs accumulated over the week.

  • Check and Clean Air Filters and Ventilation Systems – Ensure proper air circulation and reduce airborne contaminants.

  • Clean Windows and Mirrors – Maintain a clean appearance and reduce the spread of germs.

  • Sanitize Stockroom and Storage Areas – Prevent contamination in areas where products are stored.

  • Thorough Store Inspection – Conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure all areas meet cleanliness standards.

  • Deep Cleaning of Less Frequently Used Areas – Focus on areas that may not receive daily or weekly attention. Professional cleaners can elevate your store’s cleanliness with their expert services.

Impact Hygiene’s Impact Clean™ targets the dirtiest areas, utilising advanced cleaning techniques and environmentally friendly products to eliminate dirt, bacteria, and odours.

  • Review and Restock Cleaning Supplies – Ensure all necessary cleaning supplies are available.

  • Update Hygiene Protocols – Communicate any new hygiene practices or updates to staff.

Staff Training and Hygiene Practices

person washing hands close up

Adherence to hygiene practices by the store staff is crucial in maintaining a clean and safe retail environment. According to the Global Handwashing Organisation, handwashing with soap prevents many common and life-threatening infections, and that it can cut the respiratory infection rate by up to 25%.  

Providing ongoing training sessions for staff on proper handwashing techniques, the use of hand sanitizers, and the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) can significantly enhance overall hygiene. Below are more hygiene practices that businesses should follow to not only reduce the incidence of illness but also foster a safer and more reliable workforce.

  • Importance of Regular Handwashing
    Encourage staff to wash their hands regularly and use hand sanitizers, especially after handling cash, products, or touching high-contact surfaces.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    Provide and enforce the use of appropriate PPE, such as gloves and masks, when necessary to protect staff and customers.
  • Regular Training Sessions
    Conduct ongoing training sessions to educate staff on hygiene protocols, emphasising the importance of maintaining a clean environment.
  • Encouraging Sick Staff to Stay Home
    Promote a culture where employees feel comfortable staying home when unwell to prevent the spread of illness in the workplace.

Utilising Professional Hygiene Services

For an added layer of cleanliness and safety for retail stores, utilising professional hygiene services can be invaluable. These services offer comprehensive cleaning solutions that go beyond the capabilities of regular in-house cleaning routines. 

Benefits of Professional Cleaning Services

Hiring professional cleaning services can ensure thorough and consistent hygiene maintenance. Professionals have the expertise and equipment to perform deep cleaning and sanitization, providing an extra layer of protection. Below are the key benefits and services that professional hygiene companies can provide:

Professional cleaners can reach and thoroughly clean areas that are often overlooked in regular cleaning routines. Commonly touched surfaces that are missed during regular cleanings can harbour bacteria and viruses.

Professional cleaning companies use industrial-grade equipment and advanced cleaning techniques that are more effective than standard cleaning tools. A report by the Cleaning Industry Research Institute (CIRI) found that such equipment can reduce surface bacteria by up to 99%.

Consistent professional cleaning leads to a healthier environment by significantly reducing the spread of illnesses. This practice not only maintains a clean and safe workplace but also minimises illness-related absenteeism, ensuring more consistent staffing levels and enhancing overall productivity.

Clean stores attract and retain customers. A 2019 retail report from Service Channel indicates that 64% of shoppers have walked out of a store without making a purchase due to disorganisation or a poor physical appearance. Professional cleaning helps maintain a pristine environment that enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Professional cleaning services ensure that retail stores comply with health and safety regulations, which can prevent costly fines and closures. According to Safe Work Australia, non-compliance with cleanliness standards can result in significant penalties.

Although hiring professional cleaners involves an initial investment, it can be cost-effective over time. Reduced absenteeism, increased customer loyalty, and avoidance of regulatory fines all contribute to long-term savings. The International Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA) mentions that every money spent on cleaning yields a return on investment through improved productivity and reduced absenteeism.

By leveraging the expertise of professional hygiene services, retail stores can maintain a consistently high standard of cleanliness, safeguard the health of customers and employees, and enhance their overall business performance and reputation.

Services Offered by Professional Hygiene Services

full length man working

Impact Hygiene offers a range of hygiene services, including sanitary and sharps disposal, paper products, soap, air freshener, and chemical supplies, as well as specialised restroom deep cleaning with our Impact Clean™ service. 

Discover the unmatched efficacy of our Impact Clean™ service, specifically designed to provide a deeper level of cleanliness. This powerful cleaning solution is proven to be 60 times more effective than traditional methods, significantly reducing labour, chemical usage, equipment costs, and maintenance. Impact Clean™ not only enhances the hygiene and safety of your facilities but also ensures a healthier environment at a minimal cost. 

Consider professional cleaning services to enhance your retail hygiene efforts. Investing in professional services can provide peace of mind and help maintain a pristine store environment. Contact Impact Hygiene and let our professional approach help maintain high hygiene standards, ensuring a safe environment for your customers and staff.


Maintaining high hygiene standards in retail spaces during the winter season is crucial for protecting customers and staff. By understanding the unique challenges posed by winter, implementing a comprehensive hygiene checklist, and ensuring staff are well-trained, retail stores can create a safe and welcoming environment. 

With the increased foot traffic during holiday shopping and the heightened risk of illness transmission, maintaining a clean and hygienic retail environment is paramount. Ensuring that high-touch surfaces are regularly disinfected, air quality is maintained, and restrooms are kept spotless can significantly impact customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Consider utilising professional hygiene services to enhance these efforts and keep your business running smoothly. Remember, a clean store not only protects health but also preserves your reputation and customer loyalty.

Steps to Keep Your Store Safe This Winter
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