Just as toilets come in all sizes, shapes and colour, the types of toilet users also vary. Check out the categories below and see which one you belong to. Toilet Paper Junkie image from sociorocketnewsen.files.wordpress.com This type of toilet user has no problem with sitting on the toilet as long as there is paper […]
Handwashing Techniques 101: A Review on How to Wash Hands Properly
Sometimes, it’s not offices or toilets that are causing people to get sick. Often times, it is the lack of very basic hygiene practices like proper handwashing techniques that can quickly affect a person’s health. It’s so easy to overlook this basic procedure especially after using the toilet. Just running water through your hands is […]
5 Horror Movies with Memorable Toilet Scenes
Have you ever wondered why the toilet is starring in a lot of horror movies? In fact, it’s almost cliché to find a character in the toilet being completely oblivious to the horror that is going to come next. It’s become so predictable, you know that something almost always happens in the bathroom. One theory […]
Bathroom Cleaning 101: How to Clean Toilets with Household Items You Already Have
Cleaning toilets is probably the least favorite chore in almost everyone’s list. In fact, a lot of young people feel like this is a punishment rather than an assigned household task. Chore or not, it needs to get done. Although Impact Hygiene is mainly restroom hygiene services provider which cater to businesses, we care about […]
Occupational Health and Safety in Victoria: An Overview on the Compliance Code for Toilets and Hand Wash Basins under the OHS Act
The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (OHS Act) is the foundation on which legislative and administrative measures for improving occupational health and safety are created. This Act lays out key principles—this includes duties and rights—relating to workplace health and safety in Victoria. Under this act are eight compliance codes, which help in providing practical […]